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Athletic Academic Advisory Playlist

Three suggestions from College Coaches regarding Communication

I traveled to several college sports camps this Summer and spoke directly to college coaches to get advice on what they seek when receiving communication from a prospect. Here’s what they shared.

First, create your student athlete’s email: Your student athlete’s email you create will ONLY be used for the college recruiting process. If that name is already taken, be creative, but be intentional, and not too cute that a college coach has to guess who is contacting them. This student athlete’s email will now be used for all social media platforms associated with your student athlete’s college recruiting process.

First, the Subject Line. Add these items…Student athlete’s name. Graduating Class. Height. Weight. GPA. Position played or event your student athlete participates in.

Second, Body of the message. Address a particular coach on staff, if possible. Otherwise, Dear Coach…Provide other pertinent information…GPA and Core GPA. Position played. Other sports and activities your student athlete participates in. Travel, if any…Include social media handle: Twitter. Instagram. Etc…Camp information…NCAA Identification number.

Regarding video…include video link of Gamefilm…Individual workouts with a Trainer or…film link from the tournament or camp THAT college attended.

Lastly, Be genuine. Do your research. Reference a connection or a desired connection. Examples of a connection…Acknowledge something about the team’s recent progress…Teammates you may know on the team…a reminder that your student athlete and a coach met prior…video from the camp THAT college attended recently…an upcoming tournament that lists that college as an attendee…an upcoming visit to campus.