Athletic Profile: The Resume for the Student-Athlete Athletic Profile: the resume for student-athletes When it's time to communicate with coaches, send emails, send letters, introduce yourself, share any upcoming contests or camps you plan to attend, you want to create a brief athletic profile that articulates how you're performing in the classroom outside of the school and how [...]
3 Essential Elements to Building a College List from Dr. Antonoff Steven R. Antonoff, well respected and revered independent educational consultant autographed the inside cover of his book, "To Steve, my colleague and friend." That was quite the honor for someone of his stature, and I was extremely appreciative of his kind words. Hence, when he provides information, like [...]
Lifelong Learner Of the four pillars of our organization: the Body, the Brain, the Heart, and the Soul, I want to focus on the Brain, i.e., being a lifelong learner..being a student of your craft. Deborah Gray-Young, an ICF accredited coach, commented on what it means to be a student of your craft. She wrote: “To teach is to [...]