3 Essential Elements to Building a College List from Dr. Antonoff
Steven R. Antonoff, well respected and revered independent educational consultant autographed the inside cover of his book, “To Steve, my colleague and friend.” That was quite the honor for someone of his stature, and I was extremely appreciative of his kind words. Hence, when he provides information, like E.F. Hutton, people stop and listen!
During his session, “Master Class in List Building,” Dr. Antonoff shared three essential elements needed to build the proper college list that can be used when considering your student-athletes: 1. Knowledge about the student and his or her needs. 2. Knowledge about what the student is looking for in a college and the tradeoffs/balances involved in college choice, and 3. Knowledge about colleges themselves.
How can someone get information on a college? So I went online, purchased a $6 ticket to see the San Diego State University Women’s Volleyball team play, and a 29 minute Uber drive later… I walked around the campus, received brochures about the school, and spoke with staff and received answers to all of my questions. Thank you, Dr. Antonoff!
P.S. I also learned that Kawhi Leonard attended SDSU. Go figure?!
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