Two Aspen Institute programs, the Sports & Society Program and the Health, Medicine and Society Program, have collaborated to develop this tool, the first cross-sport risk assessment guide that sets out how various sport and recreation activities can be enjoyed while minimizing transmission or contraction of COVID-19. The materials are based on CDC guidelines, and were reviewed by experts from the American College of Sports Medicine and the Hospital for Special Surgery, as well as officials at various national sport governing bodies who shared their input.

Priority consideration in this guide is given to lower-risk forms of participation, most of which involve free play or individual training. Individuals can select the sporting activity that’s right for them, such as running, basketball, or soccer, and the guide provides recommendations from low-to-highest risk methods to engage with the activity and connects them to additional resources. The guide will be updated on a weekly basis with additional activities and will respond to changing physical distancing guidance.

This document should be treated as a general informational resource only, rather than medical advice or a recommendation to participate in any one activity over another. Reliance on any information provided here is solely at the individual’s own risk, and the Aspen Institute recommends that users consult with their own qualified health providers or other advisors about any specific issues or circumstances.
Updated May 27, 2020.

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